College Council

College Council

Dr. Sebastian T K


Fr. Dr. Jobi Jacob

Vice Principal

Dr. Sr. Celine Mathew C

Head, Dept. of Home Science

Dr. Sabu Sebastian

Head Dept. of Mathematics

Dr. Rejeesh C John

Head, Dept. of Statistics

Dr. Deepamol Mathew

Head, Dept. of Malayalam

Mr. Johnson George

Head, Dept. of Economics

Sr. Sonia Philomena V A

Head, Dept. of English

Dr. Joji kurian

Head, Dept. of Physics

Dr. Manjusha Mathew

Head, Dept. of Chemistry

Dr. Jimly C Jacob

Head, Dept. of Zoology

Mr. Shinil Kuriakose

Head, Dept. of Physical Education

Dr. Anpin Raja R D

Head, Dept. of Botany

Sr. Dr. Manju O S

Head, Dept. of History

Sr. Dr. Rincy Elizabeth

Head, Dept. of Commerce

Dr. Finitha Jose

Staff Representative

Smt. Resmi P. Thomas

Staff Representative

Fr. Aneesh C A

UGC Librarian